[Infographic] How to target Tablet & Mobile users on your Online Store

Jenn Lisak of Marketing Tech summarizes some of the most crucial points for your eCommerce website, especially if you’re planning on attracting tablet & mobile users as clients. Men are more likely to use tablets and mobile phones to make Continue reading [Infographic] How to target Tablet & Mobile users on your Online Store

[Infographic:] What is eCommerce?

What is eCommerce - That is the Question

Seriously, just the best overview of e-Commerce ever. A fantastic overview for beginners and experienced users as well. This explains “What is e-Commerce?”, “The Brief History of e-Commerce”, “e-Commerce Classifications”, “The Advantages of e-Commerce” and finally, “Where is e-Commerce Today”.

The Top Ten Burning Issues in Digital – eCommerce is No.2

Gian Fulgoni lists eCommerce as the number two Burning Issue in his article. What is  more relevant to South Africa in the eCommerce context is that the necessary infrastructure to the eCommerce was never around, till now. This the key Continue reading The Top Ten Burning Issues in Digital – eCommerce is No.2

Mobile is Monstrous – So say the prophets.

Mobile is Monstrous, or so say the Online Sales predicting prophets. Jonathan Novotny, founder of SA innovation market-leader CloudSales, is so convinced of the “Move to Mobile” that all solutions implemented starting in 2013 will be native, mobile compatible. Paul Continue reading Mobile is Monstrous – So say the prophets.

Going Mobile: 5 Keys for Selling Products on Mobile Devices

5 years ago, not everyone knew what a smartphone was and not many people owned them. You know how trendy mobile devices are now and that they will only become more common in the near future.  But, what does the Continue reading Going Mobile: 5 Keys for Selling Products on Mobile Devices

Welcome to Ecommerce News Africa

BLURB: eCommerce News is a portal launched in 2012 to provide Sub-saharan Africa with relevant content news and events regarding eCommerce and Online Retail. The original and posted news and info articles are curated from relevant sources and offer insight Continue reading Welcome to Ecommerce News Africa